The Challenge of Entail Audiobook

The Challenge of Entail Audiobook

For those interested in audiobooks, I have a few new ones, including several coming up. One of those audiobooks, The Challenge of Entail, is now being offered for sale at a heavily discounted price. If you have not yet given this book a listen, now is the time to have a look. From now until November 9th, it is on sale for 60% discount. I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Tunes – Lana Del Rey

Tuesday Tunes – Lana Del Rey

Image by Tibor Janosi Mozes from Pixabay I want to introduce you to Lana Del Rey, a singer I found last week. A couple of her videos were included in an article I was reading and, in a rare moment of inspiration, I decided to listen to one called Video Games. I’m not sure what I expected, but this song was a pleasant surprise: This song is one of few recent releases I would bother listening to again. The arrangement is beautiful and…

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Miscellaneous Monday – Audiobook Updates

Miscellaneous Monday – Audiobook Updates

For today’s post, I thought I would do a bit of a recap of recent audiobook releases and what is coming in the future. I tend to focus much less on audiobooks, and there is a specific reason for it. Once I provide Tantor with the manuscript, they run with it and do everything else. By contrast, as an independent author, I handle all aspects of the process for eBook and physical formats, though of late I have farmed out…

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Guess the Destination: Can You Identify These Places from Just One Golden Clue?

Guess the Destination: Can You Identify These Places from Just One Golden Clue?

Above image by Ryan KLAUS from Pixabay Welcome to Trivia Thursday. Today, we’re diving into some iconic travel destinations, each known for its unique golden glow—whether it’s a sunset, landmark, or natural wonder. Can you guess them based on a single golden clue? Test your knowledge, and don’t forget to check the answers at the end. Clue #1: “A Sea of Golden Sands, Larger Than Some Countries” Hint: This desert is home to some of the most expansive dunes in the world,…

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What’s Up Wednesday – The Bennet Inheritance

What’s Up Wednesday – The Bennet Inheritance

The process of coming up with new ideas, even for books based on Pride and Prejudice is one I do not find all that difficult. As I have written more than fifty of these, I must assume that most of those out there reading this will understand that. There are so many different ideas to explore, so many instances where if a different path had been taken the ending (and indeed the middle and even the beginning if you go back…

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Tuesday Tunes – Neil Sedaka

Tuesday Tunes – Neil Sedaka

This one is a bit out there, as Neil Sedaka is a bit (or a lot) before my time, but his tunes are so memorable that they persist to this day in being favorites to many. His jumpy, catchy tunes in the 60s and late 70s made him a huge star, and his songwriting talent provided material for many other stars of his time. Neil Sedaka was born in 1939 and began to show aptitude, specifically for the piano, at…

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Times my pets made me question their intelligence (or mine).

Times my pets made me question their intelligence (or mine).

Meet my friends Haley, the border collie on the left and Daisy, the German shepherd mix on the right. I love them like family, but sometimes can’t help but wonder if they’re actually geniuses in disguise or just the universe’s way of keeping me humble. Whether it’s a dog that seems to have mastered the art of selective hearing or the other who stares off into space  like they’ve unlocked the secrets of the cosmos, these girls have a way…

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The joys of getting older

The joys of getting older

Image by Vilius Kukanauskas from Pixabay As my 68th birthday looms on the horizon like a cake topped with far too many candles (seriously, do fire extinguishers come as standard with those things now?), I’ve found myself reflecting on the curious passage of time. At least, I assume that’s what we’re supposed to do as a milestone birthday approaches, right? Reflect? Contemplate? Ponder the mysteries of life? I’ll get right on that… after I’ve spent an hour or two feeling sorry for myself,…

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A writer who doesn’t?

A writer who doesn’t?

Image by Steve Johnson from Pixabay I’m an author, or at least that’s what I tell people who ask what I do with myself since I retired. That’s true, if you care to stretch the definition almost beyond reason. I have published thirteen books and coauthored one, all of which are available for purchase on Amazon, in case you’re interested (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). I published my last novel, “If Not for the Entail”, October 15 of last year. With that complete and…

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Travel Destinations with a Golden Touch

Travel Destinations with a Golden Touch

Image above by Joe from Pixabay In keeping with the name of our site and the fact that summer is coming to an end, I thought I’d inflame your wanderlust and highlight some destinations known for their golden hues, whether it’s sandy beaches, golden architecture, or iconic sunsets. Here, in no particular order, are a few that embody the allure of the lustrous metal. Santorini, Greece, and it’s Golden sunsets over the Aegean Sea: Image by nadajj64 from Pixabay Santorini is know for beautiful sunsets,…

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