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Month: August 2024

Travel Destinations with a Golden Touch

Travel Destinations with a Golden Touch

Image above by Joe from Pixabay In keeping with the name of our site and the fact that summer is coming to an end, I thought I’d inflame your wanderlust and highlight some destinations known for their golden hues, whether it’s sandy beaches, golden architecture, or iconic sunsets. Here, in no particular order, are a few that embody the allure of the lustrous metal. Santorini, Greece, and it’s Golden sunsets over the Aegean Sea: Image by nadajj64 from Pixabay Santorini is know for beautiful sunsets,…

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Tuesday Tunes – The 80s

Tuesday Tunes – The 80s

I am a child of the 80s. Though I was born at the tail end of the 60s, a month to the day after Armstrong first walked on the moon, my formative years with popular music all occurred with 80s music, which I love to this day. The 80s a decade of interesting, upbeat, and often kooky music, and it was also the decade where music videos became truly widespread, from Michael Jackson’s Thriller to the music videos of Duran…

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Regency oddities and amusements

Regency oddities and amusements

Image by Francesca M from Pixabay In my struggles to complete this post last night, I came across and article about Londoners’ obsession with pig-faced ladies. I kid you not, in 1815, it seems the entire city was caught up in the rumors of people catching glimpses of a woman, either wealthy or not, depending on who was relating the story, whose face bore a striking resemblance to that of a common pig! Now, rather than try and paraphrase the entire article, I…

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Saving Anne de Bourgh – Release Announcement and Excerpt

Saving Anne de Bourgh – Release Announcement and Excerpt

Now seems like a propitious time to do a post about the release of Saving Anne de Bourgh, which goes on sale tomorrow. The release of Four Days at Netherfield was a little under a month ago, meaning I will have two new books out in a short time frame. Usually I would not do this, but Saving Anne de Bourgh is also an audiobook release, and I did not have any control over the release date. It was unfortunately delayed a couple…

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The Olympics, what else?

The Olympics, what else?

Aah, the Olympics, the spectacle held every four years so countries can brag about their athletes’ prowess and look down on competitors’ countries. What a display! Forgive my cynicism but for me, the games lost their appeal years ago. From doping to propaganda to other, more reprehensible actions, my sense of wonder and appreciation for these contests went out the window. Nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to present a few bits of trivia regarding this athletic spectacle: Revival…

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