Funny Friday-Life with a dog.

Funny Friday-Life with a dog.

Image by M J from Pixabay

The picture above is a reasonable likeness of Daisy, my family’s newest addition. As you probably know by now, I treasure my canine companions. My border collie, Haley, is a two year old delight, while our German Shepherd pup is, to be charitable, very amusing. That’s not to say she is dumb. Not at all; in fact, the animal is a genius at finding new and original ways of breaking the rules. To tell the truth, I find it almost impossible to keep a straight face when I have to correct her. The first time I saw the look she gives me when I’m trying to chastise her reminded me of an old Warner Brothers cartoon about a family of vultures. Mama tells each of her children what she wants them to bring home for supper, but the last one is, shall we say, unlike his brothers:

It might be my infantile sense of humor, but I still get a kick out of those cartoons; they represent a simpler and happier time for me.

As far as Daisy, at present she is either digging a hole to China, or digging a trench for new underground pipes or electrical service. It could be both, as she has two projects in the works, which she shifts between as the mood strikes. As you can see, my corrections fall on deaf ears.

When we made the decision to adopt her, I strengthened the fence surrounding the dog run so she couldn’t get out, or so I thought.

The first time she was out there, she dug around the post beside the house until it fell over, letting her into the yard proper. In what turned out to be an epic mistake and massive misunderstanding of her determination to do what she wanted, not what I wanted, I attached the post firmly to the wall and dared her to try again.

Daisy, refusing to accept defeat, promptly moved over two feet and dug under the fence. In all fairness, I had increased the difficulty, because this time it took her fifteen minutes instead of the five the last prison break consumed.

She has gotten into the habit of using the hallway as a runway, running along it to build up speed before launching herself onto the couch. Of course, with laminate floors, the couch doesn’t stay put, but slides across the floor. I don’t know if that is her intent or not, but at least twice a day I have to bring it back for the kitchen entrance.

Daisy is a loving, affectionate dog and a lot of fun to be with. Once I get her properly trained (if that is even possible), I’m sure she will be a fantastic companion.

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