Miscellaneous Monday – Time for a Cover Reveal

Miscellaneous Monday – Time for a Cover Reveal

As I promised last week, I have a cover reveal today. Four Days at Netherfield was a project I conceived recently, one that has made it to the publishing stage far more quickly than most of my ideas. It is funny how that works sometimes, for delays can happen at any stage of the process, from outlining to final edits and covers. I currently have more than 15 variations outlined and waiting in my to do folder, which will give you some idea of how long some of these take to reach completion. Even to get to that point, however, sometimes takes quite a bit of doing. I have ideas sitting around that are still in the initial idea stage or partially outlined that are waiting for a burst of creativity.

By contrast, Four Days at Netherfield was outlined in less than a week, and I took it up as a writing project soon after. In all, from concept to completion has taken less than 4 months. As I said, pretty blazing fast, especially as it’s longer than a simple novella! It was a joy to write, as I hope it will be to read. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have also sold the audio rights, so that will be coming toward the end of the year!

First, how about we talk about the plot. Here is the description which should give you an idea of how the story will progress.

Elizabeth Bennet’s visit to Netherfield Park to tend to her ailing sister takes a surprising turn when she meets with Mr. Darcy on the grounds, and his manner so altered as to shock her. The gentleman provokes her gratitude when he helps her escape all Miss Bingley’s contempt, conveying her to her sister’s room and taking the duty of informing the mistress of her presence on himself.

As her stay at the estate lengthens, Elizabeth comes to appreciate him, for this Mr. Darcy is a man worth knowing, his opinions intelligent, his manner deferential. Their newfound amity is not agreeable to all those present, however, for Miss Bingley has long schemed to draw a proposal from the unwilling Mr. Darcy and will not surrender her prize without a struggle.

Before Elizabeth and Jane depart from the estate, Elizabeth has proof of the gentleman’s interest in his own words, and she cannot help but wonder how the future will unfold with this who appears so determined to have her good opinion. The arrival of a fool and a libertine in turn throws obstacles in the lovers’ path, but the course of true love, though it may not always be smooth, cannot be prevented forever. Those four days at Netherfield Park have changed Elizabeth’s perspective, which will change her future.

What do you think? I hope there are enough twists to satisfy the devoted Elizabeth and Darcy fan! And now without further ado is the cover:
Let me know what you think. Four Days at Netherfield will hit Amazon in eBook, Paperback, and Hardcover formats on Thursday. As a bonus, I have another cover reveal scheduled for Friday!

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