The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

Above image by Theo Crazzolara from Pixabay


The new year is here and tradition would have me listing a slew of resolutions concerning my 2024 writing goals. The problem, as I explained in a previous post, is that I am not much for announcing changes and intentions for the following twelve months. At best, my decisions will last two or three months, so why bother? 

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

It’s not that I am a lazy person by nature, although retired life has lessened the drive that used to push me to finish my projects. No, my issue with resolutions is that they so easy to make and even easier to abandon. So what, then, am I hoping to accomplish in the next few months?

A few things, starting with the rewrite of Hidden Desires. I started back in October, but health issues and other matters interfered. Other than the first chapter and some of the second, I haven’t gone too far. What I have done is to re-read the book, looking for areas where I can improve the plot. To be honest, there are more than a few holes and inconsistencies within the narrative that I intend to fill and improve upon.

Although I have done no writing, that does not mean that I haven’t thought about how to improve my story. I spend a lot of time thinking about possible changes while on my morning walks with the dog and have come up with a few that I am excited about incorporating into the novel. The finished publication will be a big improvement over the original.

Image by kirill_makes_pics from Pixabay

For anyone familiar with the first edition of the story, I am not changing the story itself. What I am going to do is flesh out the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, which I neglected. The dialogue is receiving a major upgrade and, in the hope of piquing your interest, I am adding some twists. Are they minor or major? The answer to that question has to wait for the book’s release. I promise whatever I write won’t disappoint.

So, when should you look for the novel’s release? As much as I would love to promise a date, bitter experience has taught me to refrain from opening my mouth so I can lodge my foot firmly in it. I hope to have it ready for editing in mid February, but I cannot even promise that. My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that with luck and determination on my part, that should not be unachievable.

I will commit to an excerpt from the first chapter for next Monday’s post and regular updates on my progress. But don’t worry, I promise not to bore you with weekly tales of my frequent struggles or my rare triumphs.

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