What’s Up Wednesday on Thursday?

What’s Up Wednesday on Thursday?

Image by dlsd cgl from PixabayFirst,

First, let me apologize for the delay in preparing my post. I let other tasks get in the way and forgot all about it. I’d like to say it won’t happen again, but I am pathetic at predicting the future.

The beautiful city of Medicine Hat and, indeed, large portions of southern Alberta, are in the midst of a heat wave, with temperatures hitting 38° (100° f) yesterday and today. If not for my new efficient windows and our central air, my home would be close to unbearably uncomfortable.

This is not unusual for the area; I live in an area that is considered a desert, and is warmer than the rest of the province all year, especially in the winter, which fills my heart with gratitude. This year, though, has been a challenge. The two or three years previous to this saw much lower than average rainfall in much of the province and especially the mountains, which meant that runoff was reduced, to the point that the canals that supply irrigation water for the farmers were depleted to the point that those farmers were told, in February and March of this year, to plant based on 30% of normal water supply from those canals.

Image by Couleur from Pixabay

All in all, the prospects for a massive crop failure in this part of Canada had not only the farmers, but a lot of people both in government and private industry, worried to the point that a lot of sleepless nights occurred.

And then spring arrived, in all its glory. April was the wettest month in decades around here, and that rain continued to fall right through May and June.

Image by Christoph Schütz from Pixabay

We have received so much that the water restrictions were lifted and the river is back to normal levels.

So, what does this have to do with What’s Up Wednesday? Well, my plans this year involved reclaiming my yard from the weeds and planting a lawn to beautify the property. With the lack of rainfall and prohibition on any outdoor watering, I feared that my plans were all for naught. The timely arrival of an extraordinary amount of rainclouds, all of them only too happy to release their burden over the southern part of the province, rescued my plans. I arranged for 12 tons of topsoil, which I spread with the help of friends from my church and, after fertilizing and seeding my yard, I am seeing the results of my labor.

With the heat wave comes a new set of problems, though. Now I worry about whether my newly sprouting grass is getting enough water to survive the furnace like temperatures.  Only time will tell, I suppose. In the meantime, I’ve gone from watering morning and evening to adding a third drink at noon.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

The things we do to make a good impression on strangers who happen to pass by.


One thought on “What’s Up Wednesday on Thursday?

  1. LOL!!! As a fellow Albertan, from YYC, I can empathize. Because of the rain, my rose bush – which never seemed to grow much over the last 5 years, has doubled in size; And my lilac bush also sprung up over a foot. They both look lovely. However the tree roots from the trees off the greenspace seem to like my yard, so I understand. Stay cool.

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