And now for something different

And now for something different

*The Babylon Bee logo is copied from and owned by the Babylon Bee

I love the Babylon Bee. For those unfamiliar with this company, Wikipedia describes them as “a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures,” which is a fairly accurate description. Others accuse them of being far-right, conspiracy theorists, bigots, white supremacists, etc. which, in my humble opinion, is a great, steaming, pile of crap.

Babylon Bee specializes in satire. Yes, a lot of their articles skewer politicians, but they are just as likely to turn their sights on Republicans as they are Democrats. These are silly pieces of fluff that illuminate the absurdities of people on both sides of the spectrum. Politics are not their only targets, however.

What makes the site so much fun is their ability to find the stupidity in just about anything. Please find below some of the funnier headlines I’ve found on Each headline links to the actual article. Take a few minutes to read the so-called news articles and have a laugh at this unorthodox display of humor. You won’t be disappointed:

WORLD · FEB 8, 2024 ·  40

Troy Passes Border Protection Law Limiting Entrance Of Wooden Horses To 5,000 A Day


ENTERTAINMENT · FEB 7, 2024 ·  86

Local Dad Sues Disneyland For Misleading ‘Happiest Place On Earth’ Advertising


MEDIA · FEB 7, 2024 ·  125

Journalists Confused By Journalist Doing Journalism


CHRISTIAN LIVING · FEB 7, 2024 ·  72

Dave Ramsey Pops Out Of Mall Fountain To Scold Woman Who Threw Quarter In For A Wish


HEALTH · FEB 7, 2024 ·  86

Man Yells While Bench Pressing 125 To Alert Gym He Just Lifted Heavy Object


These next two are hilarious, in my opinion:

POLITICS · FEB 7, 2024 ·  104

Libertarians Nominate Hot New Candidate ‘None Of These’


POLITICS · FEB 7, 2024 ·  112

Republican Plans Once Again Foiled By Republicans

Do yourself a favor. Brighten your day and spend some time laughing at the nonsense on the site. Heaven knows, the world needs a bit of fun.

*All images and links were copied from the Babylon Bee website and are the property of Babylon Bee.


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