Funny Friday – Author Jokes

Funny Friday – Author Jokes

Just a simple post to tickle your funny bone. Get ready to laugh. (Or groan, depending on what sort of humor you like!)


What did the writer say when he glued himself to his book?

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


What’s the best college degree to become a successful fiction writer?



What do communism and an essay writer who plays no sport have in common?

They work on paper, but not in practice.


Why did Karl Marx write in all lowercase letters?

Because he hated capitalism.


Why did the reader give up on Pride and Prejudice?

The characters were too Austentatious.


What would you find in Charles Dickens’s pantry?

The best of thyme, the worst of thyme.


And finally:


What is a pirate’s favorite letter?

You’d think it’d be R, but really his heart will always belong to the C.



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