The Most Incredible Adventure The Screen Has Ever Created!

The Most Incredible Adventure The Screen Has Ever Created!

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In case you ‘re confused, I want to talk about the movie Airplane!, one of  funniest and most irreverent movies ever made in my humble opinion. The trailer is just a taste of the sheer zaniness of this flick. It was written and directed by Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and David Zucker. This trio also gave us such gems as The Kentucky Fried Movie and, my all time favorite television series, Police Squad, which spawned the Naked Gun movies.

The best thing about this movie to me is the fact that, in a case of  absolute brilliance, they cast dramatic actors and had them play their parts straight.

This film is full of priceless moments, such as:

My wife thinks I love this movie because its sense of humor is so close to my own. That may or may not be accurate, but I don’t particularly care.

Nobody in the film industry would try to make this today which, as far as I’m concerned, says a lot about society today, none of it good. All I can say is do yourself a favor and watch the film, again if you haven’t seen it in a while, or for the first time if you’ve never subjected yourself to this brand of slapstick comedy. One thing about the script, it leaves few of that era’s relevant topics unskewered.

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