Thursday Musings

Thursday Musings

Anyone who knows me well understands that I do not like winter. When I lived in Japan, people would not understand when I told them, given they knew I was from Canada. Being from Canada is exactly what has made me so contemptuous of the colder months. There are some definite benefits to living in a colder climate, such as fewer venomous creatures, less extreme storms and the like, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Thus, you will likely understand that the coming spring is no less a relief than welcome to me. I have always thought that the calendar turning to March means that at the very least, the worst of the cold winter weather is past. I’m not foolish enough to believe it won’t get cold again, or that we won’t get snow–in Calgary where I live there is snow on record in every month of the year. But it has always seemed like spring, just around the corner, is not far distant.

All this has put me in a pensive mood this year. I am not as young as I once was (I heard that’s going around :D), and it seems the years are turning more quickly as time passes. It seems like only recently that I held a tiny child in my arms and watched her take her first steps, first words, and all the other milestones children achieve, but I’m confronted every day by the beautiful young girl who is now taller than her mother! Where does all the time go? I wish I had the answer.

What is the point of this? I wish I knew. Nothing more than a few ramblings, I suppose. Life continues, work continues, I’ve got my nose to the grindstone preparing my future endeavors. I hope to branch out into other genres in the near future, having something of a mystery series rattling around in my brain, along with my ever present desire to write fantasy. I have a folder of more than ten Pride and Prejudice variations waiting to be written, so I won’t be giving up on those any time soon. I’ve also recently sold the rights to another audiobook to the publisher, so I have another one of those coming down the pipe.

I hope this brief post full of ramblings did not put you to sleep! Happy almost-spring to you all!

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